Monday, July 13, 2009

When tragedy strikes

Often the question comes when tragedy strikes - where was God?

God allows certain events to happen, that we deem tragedy, and often it is to us, to create change, deepen commitments, open new avenues of service to name a few.

Discovering this morning the tragic news of a couple, who had adopted 12 children, many of which were special needs, found murdered in their home last Thursday in Florida, is one such event.

I have no answers to this question only compassion for the children left behind.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Timothy,
    This story make my heart ache and my eyes cry. Our God does have answers to all of this and I sometimes wonder what His plans are, but wow how awful this would be to go through. As I lift them up in prayers, I pray for comfort, (only found in God), and peace (that all will be ok), and that they are flooded with love, from the father and those around them.
    Blessings to you~
