Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Whether we like it or not, we are measured each day. We are measured by our fellow human beings that we come in contact with or who know us from a distance. Relatives, friends, coworkers, customers all measure us in each situation we face.

We are measured against their yardstick for that particular situation. Sometimes we measure the full length of the yardstick, sometimes we even measure beyond the yardstick but often we most likely fall short of those doing the measuring with their particular yardstick.

We, too, may have our own personal yardstick either self imposed or perhaps by one's god. A yardstick we must measure up to or feel like a failure. I am often reminded of a storybook character, when thinking my yardstick is best. That character is one of my favorite characters yet he too had faults, chief among which I believe to have been beating himself up over not measuring up to his self imposed yardstick. That character was Horatio Hornblower.

While yardsticks may give us a degree of measurement, whose yardstick is most important? One can waste their life trying to measure up to other people's yard sticks or one can determine the important one and go with that.

Some times it can be difficult finding the yardstick to best measure by but once found provides a standard and a peace of not having to worry about what others think one should use.

While I have not necessarily found my yardstick, I do know that it will not be other's or mine that I follow. That said, what other yardstick is there? It seems that it would be God's.

While I know I can never measure up to His yardstick, I can always strive to and having strived can rest assured that having tried my best, that such will find favor with Him.

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